Collecting Rainwater With Gutter Protection

Collecting rainwater is a task that’s long been carried out by humans, but it has grown in popularity in recent years. Rainwater is an abundant natural resource, so why wouldn’t we want to collect it? The use of rainwater can negate the necessity of an irrigation system, and it can even reduce your water bill. Additionally, collecting rainwater helps lessen stormwater runoff, which can contribute to local flooding.
Oddly, collecting rainwater is illegal in some states, and in other states, it is an act that’s often limited. In many states, collection containers are limited to 100 gallons, for example, so it is absolutely essential to understand your state’s laws before you set out to collect rainwater yourself.
Now that you understand the perks and limitations of collecting rainwater, you might be considering doing this at your own home. If you have LeafFilter Gutter Protection, you’re already headed in the right direction! As most rainwater barrels are placed directly beneath your downspout, LeafFilter ensures that you will collect water that’s clear and free of debris.
To begin, you’ll need to purchase a rain barrel or something similar. Rain barrels often include spigots or spouts, allowing you the opportunity to effortlessly move and transport the rainwater. After you pick up a rain barrel at your local hardware store, set up is often as easy as positioning your barrel under the downspout. You may want to note, however, that a lid is of great value on this system–stagnant water presents the perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes, and an open barrel of water could be disastrous for curious children.
Alternatively, you may decide to pursue a rainwater collection system that is installed under the ground. Such a system offers a great deal of space for storage, and it is equipped with a filter and a pump to allow you easy access to the stored water. However, this system tends to be rather expensive, and it requires professional installation.
Collecting rainwater can be simple or complex, depending on how you approach it, but it provides a great service to Mother Earth. If you’re thinking of an alternative way to reduce and reuse, rainwater is a phenomenal resource to focus on. Do you have any advice for reusing rainwater? Share your thoughts with us on Facebook.