Team Spotlight: LeafFilter of North New Jersey

At Leaf Home, our brands have a number of offices across North America. LeafFilter, established in 2005, has some of the longest-standing offices and employees as a result. Today, we’re going to hear from Dave Callahan, Operations and Sales Manager of the North New Jersey office, to talk about his experiences at Leaf and what it’s like working with his team.
Leaf: Thank you so much for joining us today, Dave. How long have you been with the company?
Dave: My pleasure! It has been a long journey. I’m just finishing up my eleventh year with Leaf! I started back in January of 2010.
Leaf: Wow! That is a long journey. You must have seen a lot of changes over the years.
Dave: Oh, yes. A lot of change and a lot of growth. When I got here back in January of 2010, the company had 13 total offices. Now, that number is creeping close to 200 offices. The total revenue for the company that year was roughly comparable to what our office generates by itself now, so our growth has been massive here. We are looking forward to doing even more business in 2022!
Leaf: Wow, that must have been an amazing change to see. What do you think 2022 holds for your office?
Dave: More success and more achievement. We’ve already got an amazing culture here. The culture on our team is one of teamwork and positivity. It’s important to me that everybody working here wants to be here and looks forward to going to work every day. If that’s not the case, the New Jersey office is not the right fit for that person. We all help each other out and all have one common goal: making sure the office is as successful as it can be.
Leaf: I love seeing that level of teamwork. How big is your team in New Jersey?
Dave: We’re a pretty big office, so we have a rather large team here. We have three installation managers, two service techs, one office admin, 23 sales reps, and over 20 installation crews. Success is truly a group effort, and all of these people make our team special.
Leaf: That’s great to see! There’s a lot of diversity across our offices, both when it comes to people and when it comes to local climates. What kind of weather does your team typically see in New Jersey?
Dave: We have the typical Northeast weather here in North Jersey. If you’ve never been to the Northeast, it varies from extremely hot in the summer to extremely cold in the winter. In the spring and fall, it’s rather pleasant. Homeowners definitely deal with a full spectrum of extremes here, so gutter protection is an important line of defense against the elements.
Leaf: Your team should be proud of making a difference to local homeowners. Are there any other team achievements that make you proud?
Dave: Yes, my team makes me proud every day. We have grown to be Leaf’s largest office in all of North America. That’s not just for LeafFilter, but the largest office of any vertical. In 2021, we sold the most jobs, and most net business, installed the most jobs, and collected the most business of any office in the company while still maintaining the second-highest net to gross. And 2022? This year promises to be even bigger.
Big things are happening at LeafFilter offices across the country! Are you interested in exploring opportunities with our team? Check out the LeafFilter careers page to find opportunities near you.