Best Gutter Cleaning Tools

If you think the quintessential tools for cleaning your gutter are limited to a ladder and your hands, you’re missing out on accessories that can help make decluttering gutters an effortless experience. To keep gutters debris- and pest-free without having to risk your life getting up on the roof, it’s probably worthwhile to invest in maintenance tools such as extension tongs, elevated vacuums or personal gutter guards that will help with safely freeing your gutter of any excess filth. Here are a few products that are specifically designed for risk-free gutter cleaning:
Vacuum attachments
One of the most-used gutter cleaning tools homeowners turn to are gutter vacuum accessories, which can be especially handy if your roof is not that high. There are plenty of nozzle attachments that can be applied to utility vacuums and leaf blowers, as well as placeholders that can help you gain leverage for blowing out debris from your gutter without climbing to the top of your ladder. It’s important to note that vacuum attachments tend to only clean gutters that are frequently congested with leaves, pine needles or other droppings from trees, but usually cannot take care of heavier forms of clutter that may fall into your gutter.
Gutter sprayers
Some homeowners prefer the spray method of cleaning gutters, and there is certainly a wide variety of products that cater to this strategy. Using power flushers that shoot out water at high-pressure rates can lead to an effortless afternoon of gutter cleaning that doesn’t require the usage of a ladder. You can purchase an extendable pole that can attach to your garden hose, so you never have to deal with any power charging accessories or replacing old batteries. There are even mirrors available that help give you a better vantage point from the ground to see if there’s any leftover debris still clinging to your gutter.
Clamp accessories
While climbing a ladder and getting rid of leaves and debris buildup with your own hands can certainly be effective, everyone knows the risks of elevated gutter cleaning may result in an unnecessary accident. This is why gutter clamps or tongs were created, providing homeowners with a safer way to physically remove the clutter themselves. Many of these tools come equipped with extendable poles and ropes that can adjust to various types of roofs and keep the tongs angled, so you can effortlessly access the interior of the gutters. Clamps and tongs can certainly be handy, but many of these tools come without mirrors, meaning it could be hard to tell exactly how much debris is remaining left over after usage.
Rotary gutter cleaning systems
If you’re looking for a more rigorous and aggressive product to wipe out traces of buildup within your gutters, rotary systems for cleaning gutters can certainly help. These types of devices feature rotating brushes that forcefully swipe leaves, pine cones and other debris out of the way, while some models also attach to your hose so a stream of jetting water can combine with the cleaning forces. These models do tend to be more expensive, however, so consider each product’s price tag wisely.
“At the end of the day, why even spend time worrying about unclean gutters?”
Choose LeafFilter Over Gutters Cleaning Tools or A Gutter Cleaning Attachment
At the end of the day, why even spend time worrying about unclean gutters? Using LeafFilter is the easiest way to guarantee yourself clog-free gutters, and once you’ve had the LeafFilter gutter guard system professionally installed to your gutters, you can rest assured that your ladder and gloves will get less use.